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A Must-Have for Your Next Capital Improvement Project

When it comes to capital improvement projects, it’s all too easy to forget a key part of the process… and when that happens it can cause major headaches. We’re talking about permit management. In many cases, I see facilities running into three significant compliance issues: 1. A facility, either the existing facility or a construction site, doesn’t have a permit in place when needed. 2. They have a permit… but it’s not the correct one. 3. They have a permit, and it’s the right one. But they did not read the permit thoroughly and, as a result, did not follow the permit conditions correctly. This can result in notices of violation, fines, penalties, maybe even a temporary shutdown. Fortunately, there is an easy way to prevent this from happening.

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Why You Should Consider Replacing an Employee With a Consultant

It’s a nightmare scenario for any facility/plant manager. One of your key employees is resigning, retiring, or otherwise leaving the job. There’s more turnover than ever these days, especially with employees switching jobs to obtain promotions rather than climbing the corporate ladder at the same company. Now you’re faced with trying to find a replacement while at the same time trying to cover the tasks they were responsible for, as well as your own job. Recruiting, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and more – that can take forever. Then, once you’ve hired someone, you must train them, hold their hand at the beginning as they get settled… that sort of thing. It’s a big investment of time and money. But there is another way…

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If You Don’t Have This in Your Sublease Agreements, You Are Asking for Trouble

Subleases can be a great way for a leaseholder who is no longer conducting their own operations at a site to make money. But your actual responsibility goes way beyond just collecting rent checks. As the leaseholder, you are ultimately responsible to the property owner for what your tenant does at the site. That is, unless you insert key clauses in your sublease agreement to protect yourself. Here are some guidelines of what should be included.

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Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

I’ve always said that communication is a key part of running a facility safely, efficiently, and profitably. Lack of communication can lead to expensive mistakes, injuries, and other negative consequences. One form of communication that often goes overlooked in facilities is signage. Signs warning of hazardous materials, for example, or the necessity of wearing hearing protection. Most places do the bare minimum as mandated by regulation. But I recommend taking an extra step…

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